Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Journal 2 - How Teenagers Consume Media: The Report That Shook The City. (NETS-T 5)

This article talks about technology and how students have a multiple ways to consume media and have access to tools to fulfill their lives. The article mentions that teenagers want the coolest gadgets and quickest access to whatever they want without having to pay for it themselves. Everywhere you look there is a young kid with a cell phone who is text messaging five friends simultaneously. Friends can stay in constant communication with one another even though they are standing right next to one another and would rather text each other instead of talking. For students, this allows those who miss class to get an assignment from another student or get help understanding a question or problem without having to be there in person.

Another form students are using is the internet and Facebook. These tools allow them to be a part of a group or community where they share information with one another. Students can collaborate on assignments and projects and at the same time, chat with friends or share music files. Lets not forget the television and now DVR and gadgets like the iPod & iTouch. With the push of a button you can watch any show or listen to any song you want.

How can these media tools help my students in the classroom?
Media tools in the classroom such as the internet can allow students to keep up with current events as to what is going on in the world. Also, unlimited access to research to complete assignments with the goal of not only the completion, but to gain a wealth of knowledge while accomplishing the task.

Should I be concerned with my students illegally downloading copyrighted material?
Of course, in the classroom the issue of internet safety arises, from cyberbullying to downloading copyrighted material. What they do at home relies on their parents with what they allow their children to do.

Robson, Matthew (13 July, 2009). How teenagers consume media:the report that shook the city. Guardian, Retrieved July 15, 2009, From

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